
Create an ASP.NET Core web app with Azure App Configuration

Create an ASP.NET Core web app with Azure App Configuration

In this video, we will explore how to build an ASP.NET Core web application that leverages the power of Azure App Configuration. We will start by introducing Azure App Configuration, a cloud-based service that enables you to manage application settings and feature flags centrally. Then, we will dive into building a simple ASP.NET Core web application that retrieves its configuration settings from Azure App Configuration.

We’ll walk through the process of creating an Azure App Configuration instance, configuring our ASP.NET Core web application to use it, and updating the configuration settings dynamically. Along the way, we’ll cover best practices for managing application settings and feature flags, and demonstrate how Azure App Configuration can help simplify the configuration management process.

By the end of this video, you’ll have a solid understanding of how to use Azure App Configuration with ASP.NET Core web applications, and be well-equipped to leverage this powerful service in your own development projects.

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