
How to Make Simple Calculator in a Visual Basic VB.Net 2023

How to Make Simple Calculator in a Visual Basic VB.Net 2023

This is a Sample calculator that I created in visual basic 2012, and this sample will be more useful for learners. You can study it and modify it as more as you like.

How to Build a Simple Calculator
First, create an Interface for your calculator which has the following:

Step 1: Open Visual Studio

Step 2: Select New Project

Step 3: Select Windows Form Application

Step 4: Name the project SimpleCalculator

Step 5: Set the save location. Desktop is recommended as it is the easiest to find.

Step 6: Click OK

Step 7: If needed, click on the view tab then select the Toolbox, Property, and Solutions Explorer window

Source code – https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hLPBs74VmbOp9AMjzf979gbpZYjQgo7r/view?usp=sharing

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