C Program to find maximum number from entered numbers #c#shorts

C Program to find maximum number from entered numbers #c#shorts

C Program to find maximum number from entered numbers #c#shorts

C Program to find maximum number from entered numbers
write a program to find maximum number from entered numbers

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The program starts by initializing two integer variables, n and max. n is used to store the number of integers that the user will enter, and max will eventually hold the maximum number entered.

The user is prompted to enter the number of integers they will input. This value is stored in the n variable.

Next, a for loop is used to prompt the user to enter each integer, one at a time. The loop runs n times, with the variable i being used as the loop counter.
Inside the loop, a new integer variable num is declared and the user is prompted to enter an integer. The value entered by the user is stored in num.

The if statement inside the loop checks whether num is greater than the current value of max. If it is, then max is updated to num.

Once the loop has finished running, the program prints out the maximum number entered by the user using the printf function.

Finally, the return 0 statement is used to indicate that the program has finished executing without any errors.

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