
Creating Webserver & Static IP using Linux | 2023 |

Have you ever wanted to create your own website? What about an IRC server? Maybe a license server? A backend for your own product? For these things, you’ll need your own server. However, paying someone else to create this server can be costly, and even if you do, you may not know how to set it up. This course will allow you to take an old computer and turn it into an engine to publish your ideas!

If you’ve got an old computer (you could find an old one you used to use but is now too obsolete for daily use, find one at an old school, get one on craigslist, etc.), the only thing you have to pay for is electricity.

We will be using Linux to replace the Operating System. which is the fundamental connection between hardware and software, to run our server. Linux is much much lighter than modern versions of Windows and Mac, allowing old computers to run much faster than you ever thought they could. However, Linux is technical and the installation process can be tricky, but don’t worry, this course will teach you what you need to know!

First, I will teach you how to take a computer and install Linux onto it. I’ll go over what Live USBs are, how to use the BIOS, and the Ubuntu Linux 18.04 installation process.

Then, I’ll teach you the basics of Linux commands including how to navigate the filesystem using the Terminal, installing applications through the Terminal, editing text through the Terminal, and automating commands using bash scripts.

Next, I’ll teach you how to create a webserver to host your own website! If you want to create a different type of server, all other parts of this course fully apply, and they will teach you the fundamentals needed to understand online resources pertaining to your type of server. This section will give you a framework for creating your own server!

Finally, I’ll teach you the networking steps to ensure that your server isn’t just available on your own computer or your own network but is instead available to users worldwide. This section will cover setting a static ip address and port forwarding your router to allow outside connections to reach your server computer.

Overall, this course will teach you how to create a server from start to finish yourself!

What you’ll learn
Students will not only be able to create servers, but they will understand how the basic operating system and tools they’re using work. This means that students will have the tools to be self-sufficient and expand on their knowledge easily. They will be able to understand error messages, solve problems on their own, and address hardware-specific issues.
Are there any course requirements or prerequisites?
All you need is a laptop and a flash drive.
Who this course is for:
People who are interested in learning about Linux and want to create a webserver, backend for a product, irc server, or some other type of server.

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