Dictionary in Python

Dictionary in Python

Dictionary in Python

In this lecture we are discussing about Dictionary:
— if you want to accessing the data by using key then we are using dictionary
— Dictionary uses key and value pair
key and value
in python
data={1:’Navin’,2:’kiran’,4:’Harsh’} # 1 is key and Navin is value and 2 is key and kiran is value and 4 is key and Harsh is value

property of dictionary:
— key must be immutable and unique
# immutable means we can’t change the value
# unique means we can’t repeat the key
— value can be anything
— we can access the value by using key
— we can’t access the value by using index
— we can’t access the value by using value

fetching the value from dictionary
data[4] # we can access the value by using key here key is 4
data[3] # you get error because key is not present in dictionary

get() method:
— we can access the value by using get() method
— if key is present in dictionary then it will return the value
— if key is not present in dictionary then it will return None
data.get(3) # not get anything
print(data.get(3)) # it will return None
data.get(1,’Not Found’)
data.get(3,’Not Found’)

use of zip() method:
— we can combine the two list by using zip() method
— it will return the tuple
keys = [‘Navin’,’Kiran’,’Harsh’]

use of dict() method:
— we can convert the tuple into dictionary by using dict() method
data[‘Monika’] # it will give error because key is not present in dictionary

add the value in dictionary:

delete the value from dictionary:
del data[‘Harsh’]

Nested Dictionary:
— we can store the dictionary inside the dictionary

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