
c language topic: variable,constant and Reserved | C Variables and Keywords | c language tutorial

c language topic: variable,constant and Reserved | C Variables and Keywords | c language tutorial

c language tutorial variable constant and Reserved keywords
Sure, I can provide a brief tutorial on variables, constants, and reserved keywords in the C programming language.
Variables in C:
A variable is a container that holds a value or data. In C, you must declare a variable before using it. The declaration specifies the name and data type of the variable. For example, to declare an integer variable called num, you would use the following syntax:
Constants in C:
A constant is a value that cannot be changed during the execution of the program. In C, you can use the const keyword to declare a constant.
Reserved Keywords in C:
C has a number of reserved keywords that have special meanings and cannot be used as variable names or other identifiers. Here are some examples of reserved keywords in C:
auto, break, case, char, const, continue, default, do, double, else, enum,

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