
009 Building an App From Scratch | #flutterdeveloper | #flutter | #programming | Complete course

009 Building an App From Scratch | #flutterdeveloper | #flutter | #programming | Complete course

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it is an great opportunity for all of you people to become a flutter developer. The content of this course from start to advance.I advice to all of you start your journey from first video to end ,and follow all the steps one by one that is told in these videos .Best wishes for all of you ,Don’t forget to click on Subscription button ,so in future you people will connect with me and you will get new updates related to programing ,I warmly welcome to all of you on this platform .I am always available for all of you ,don’t feel hesitate .

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Flutter, Flutter, Flutter! From Twitter recommendations to app development recommended videos, Flutter has become a buzzword all over the internet. Undoubtedly, long listed features of Flutter have already taken the world by storm, but how to get started with the Flutter app in 5 days is the central question.

Gone are those days when you need to sit back, close your eyes, and think for long hours about the programming language that would allow developing any type of application for multiple operating platforms.

With the launch of Google’s Flutter, now you don’t need to spend sleepless nights studying new languages and frameworks. The app development process has never been easy, but Flutter has made it far easier and simpler for developers by providing an advanced level of software development kit complied with all the widgets and plugins.

Developing an application with Flutter is nothing more than a story of fantasy. In reality, no matter how proficient you are in app development, you have to deal with plenty of technologies and its flaws. In fact, in the world of mobile app development, there’s an endless race between two giants iOS and Android.

So here, being a startup you have two concerns:

Firstly, if you choose to develop a Native iOS and Android app, then you need a high budget.
Secondly, how to capture the wider segment of the market?
While each sphere requires specific skills, therefore, the most common answer that you will get from a software development company is to choose Swift for iOS and Kotlin for Android.

But my simple answer for both of your questions is — FLUTTER!

Flutter: A Story of Fantasy
Flutter is a recently launched SDK by Google, allowing developers to create applications for iOS and Android by using a single code-base. Unlike other popular solutions, rather than calling Flutter a framework, it is a complete SDK that comes with everything that you will need to build cross-platform applications. Right from rendering engine, ready-made widgets to testing and integration APIs, Flutter has everything.

From here before getting straight into the development process, let me hit some quick highlights of Flutter which makes it quite demanding:

Despite being launched in 2017, it has been used by 39% of developers from all across the world and has quickly secured its position as a second topmost demanding framework for cross-platform app development.
Dart is the Flutters Object oriented language that uses advanced techniques and compiles into native code that adds up a noticeable speed.
Flutter uses the OS as a canvas to build an interface on and moves services such as gestures, rendering and animations into the framework itself that allows developers to have complete control over the system.
Flutter boasts ready-made and custom widgets for fast UI coding that enables you to do any level of customization.
Compared to others, Flutter has the mildest learning curve and a growing community that allows developers with limited programming knowledge to prototyping and building app can also get started with Flutter.
Hot Reload feature can tenfold the development speed and elevates programmer’s productivity that ultimately allows you to experiment with new things without bothering such long delays.
Flutter apps are known for their high performance as it uses CPU usage, number of requests per second, average response time, number of frames per second and more.
It offers excellent app portability and allows you to migrate from any platform to Flutter.

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