A fully responsive product website using ASP.NET CORE (Github repo included)

A fully responsive product website using ASP.NET CORE (Github repo included)

A fully responsive product website using ASP.NET CORE (Github repo included)

Hello. This is a project I was working on for my employer. I made some modifications to post it on YOUTUBE. It’s a product website using ASP.NET CORE MVC based on c# programming language. You can customize the website by adding title, icon, contact info, products, categories etc.

I’m not a rich guy 😅 but I decided to share the code with everyone who’s in need of such a website for free.

It’s highly appreciated if you could support me on BUYMEACOFFEE ☕

👍 Github repository
(You need to go to appsettings.json file and insert your own email SMTP settings under SMTP)
