Building a MERN Blog App Tutorial: Part 8 – Create Update and Delete Routes For The Blog App API

Building a MERN Blog App Tutorial: Part 8 – Create Update and Delete Routes For The Blog App API

Building a MERN Blog App Tutorial: Part 8 - Create Update and Delete Routes For The Blog App API

In this tutorial, we’ll walk you through the process of creating update and delete routes for the Blog App API that we’ve been building using the MERN stack. Follow along and learn how to create endpoints that allow you to update and delete blog posts in your application.

We’ll start by defining the update and delete routes in our Express app and then show you how to use Mongoose to interact with our MongoDB database. You’ll learn how to use the PUT method to update existing blog posts and the DELETE method to remove them.

By the end of this tutorial, you’ll have a solid understanding of how to create update and delete routes in your Blog App API, and how to use Mongoose to interact with your MongoDB database.

Follow along with us and learn how to create endpoints that enable you to update and delete blog posts in your MERN stack application.

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#MERNstack #Nodejs #MongoDB #Express #API #BlogApp #WebDevelopment #BackendDevelopment #ProgrammingTutorial #Mongoose #UpdateRoutes #DeleteRoutes #BlogRoutes