
Coolify Install – Free Heroku and Netlify Self-Hosted Alternative

Coolify Install – Free Heroku and Netlify Self-Hosted Alternative

Coolify is a free self hosted Heroku and Netlify alternative that can help host Applications like: static websites, nodejs applications, NextJS, PHP, react,etc.

Like Heroku and Netlify you can link GitHub to pull the latest commit when something is updated to the repo.

It can help with self hosting databases like: MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Redis or applications with docker container like: Plausible, n8n, uptime kuma, etc

In this video we will see how it can be installed on a VPS server and configured to be accessed securely.

DigitalOcean vs Vultr vs Hetzner: https://youtu.be/0LZ5evXg3Hw

DigitalOcean: https://go.bitdoze.com/do ($100 Free)
Vultr: https://go.bitdoze.com/vultr ($100 Free)
Hetzner: https://go.bitdoze.com/hetzner/ (20 Euros Free)

#coolify #bitdoze

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