ARC A770 16GB in 1440p! Overview + Benchmarks

ARC A770 16GB in 1440p! Overview + Benchmarks

ARC A770 16GB in 1440p! Overview + Benchmarks

This is my first major tech video of 2023!

In this video, we’ll look at the intel ARC A770 16GB, and see what it’s currently capable of. We’ll be benchmarking games including Sonic Frontiers, Hogwarts Legacy, and Atomic Heart! I went and put the GPU in my new Sonic computer, which does have the Z790 PG SONIC motherboard!
I hope you enjoy this video, or at least found it useful in some way! 😀

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00:00 : Opening
00:54 : GPU Overview
01:54 : GPU Specs
02:17 : Sonic PC Specs
03:34 : Benchmark Setup
04:03 : Sonic Frontiers
05:38 : Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak
06:48 : Cyberpunk 2077
08:05 : Neptunia: Sisters VS Sisters
09:30 : Hogwarts Legacy
11:20 : Atomic Heart
13:14 : Conclusion & Querry + Extra Benchmarks
14:47 : Ending

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