Reunification of UDP “A Good Thing” – Dean Barrow

Reunification of UDP “A Good Thing” – Dean Barrow

Reunification of UDP “A Good Thing” – Dean Barrow

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The United Democratic Party remains in shambles since losing the general elections in November 2020. Despite the meteoric rise of Shyne Barrow within the ranks of the political organization to become its new leader, internal strife has threatened to upend all efforts to reunite the deeply fractured party. The latest attempt by the Leader of the Opposition to bring together factions of the U.D.P. to present a unified front in the National Assembly includes a change in seating arrangement that will see former Opposition Leader Patrick Faber moving up a notch. Party Leader Barrow has also offered him a portfolio in his shadow cabinet in an area that Faber has proven himself most effective, education. While Faber has accepted that position on a conditional basis, it is being viewed by members of the party as a step in the right direction. Likewise, Barrow has extended an olive branch to Albert Area Representative Tracy Panton. But how long will the pact last and what effect will it have on the momentum of the broken party going forward? That’s what we asked former Party Leader Dean Barrow whose son is also his successor. Here’s how he responded to the unification of the party that he once led. .