
PHP isn't used by REAL websites

PHP isn't used by REAL websites

I’ve been getting these comments more and more lately:

“…let’s just consider that 80% figure, in those stats all websites count the same, so 1 Wordpress blog that has not updated in 10 years and gets 10 hits a week counts the same as Youtube getting billions of hits, you see the problem with that, in reality when measured by what counts (usage/traffic) most of the web is not powered by PHP”

This seems to be the new thing among PHP haters.

They really want to be able to say PHP is dead. But, then there’s those pesky usage statistics showing it’s used on 80%+ of websites.

“Well, well, but, but…

“It’s all about the traffic… duh!”

I mean, nevermind Slack or Etsy or Flickr. I’ll even leave out Facebook and Wikipedia. We’ll forget WordPress and Drupal (Whitehouse.gov, NCAA.com, Tesla).

Nope, we’ll just conveniently ignore all those…

And, just go straight to how stupid this argument is.

Think about it this way.

The niche I freelanced in I was building membership sites using WordPress. And, I once built a membership site for a famous blogger named Michael Hyatt.

That site grew to have several thousand members.

All paying 30/month to be members.

Eventually, it became a 7-figure site.

He had a staff of around 10 or so people.

And, they paid me between 30-40K in the time I worked with them on the site. But, because it was a membership site that released content once a week.

It might get a few hundred visitors a day.

It wasn’t a massively trafficked website.

So, the f!@# what?

Did that make their muney less green?

Does that not count as a “real” site?

Point is…

Judging a site based solely on the amount of traffic it gets is an incredibly dumb way of assessing its potential to employ you.

Lots of uber low traffic websites make bank.

And, employ lots of people.

And, pay really well.

The fact of the matter is PHP is used by really high traffic websites, it’s usage statistics are much higher than any other server-side language.

And, it has gotten dramatically better in PHP7.

So, it ain’t goin’ nowhere, Pancho.

No matter how loudly you shriek about it.

End of story.

Anyway, if you’re not one of these PHP-hating scrubs and wanna learn PHP and scoop up all the jobs out there, I’ve got over 20 hours of PHP training you can dig into.

Link is here: https://skl.sh/2JhEqT0

That’ll give you an exclusive 2-month no-cost trial of SkillShare. You’ll get FULL access to my entire library of courses. Take all the training you want.

Cancel any time before the 2 months is up…

And, never pay a penny.

Not a bad gig.

But, up to you… Pancho.

Link again is: https://skl.sh/2JhEqT0


#php #webdev

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