
Node Package Manager Tutorial | NPM Tutorial for Beginners | MongoDB

Node Package Manager Tutorial | NPM Tutorial for Beginners | MongoDB

Node Package Manager Tutorial | NPM Tutorial for Beginners | MongoDB

Node package manager is a package manager used to install and use third-party packages or other packages other than node. It also does version management and dependency management for node.js packages. To check if npm is installed, type npm hyphen hyphen version and hit enter. When installing mongodb, npm node package manager space install will install all the required packages per node. The most important details in this text are the differences between locally and globally installed packages.

When installing a package locally, the require function can be used to import the packages and use it locally in other modules, but when installing a package globally, it cannot be used in other packages. This means that if you want to use node.js on your command line, it is recommended to use and install packages using Global, and if you are going to use the require function to import packages, it is best to install them locally. Mongodb is a global package that can be installed locally using require and globally using iPhone G.

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