Seven Rules for Accurate Site Surveys | WLPC Wireless LAN Weekly EP 22

Seven Rules for Accurate Site Surveys | WLPC Wireless LAN Weekly EP 22

Seven Rules for Accurate Site Surveys | WLPC Wireless LAN Weekly EP 22

This week is on the ‘Seven Rules for Accurate Site Surveys’ — we’ve has some folks request an episode on Wireless Site Surveys… and so here you go.

This episode is only this one topic. Please give us feedback if you like this single topic format, of if you’d rather return to the multiple segments, with all the ‘little’ entertaining parts. Looking forward to your feedback — e-mail to [email protected]

Seven Rules for Accurate Site Surveys

The process of gathering appropriate and accurate data during a Site Survey is as simple as following a few easy rules. Break the rules, however, and you could end up with totally useless — but colorful — Heat Maps that have no value to your organization.

These rules have been gleaned through hundreds of site surveys and through teaching over hundreds networking professionals how to use Site Survey products.

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