
How to self-host Plausible analytics (with Docker, nginx and SSL)

How to self-host Plausible analytics (with Docker, nginx and SSL)

In this tutorial i’ll show you how you can self-host the Plausible analytics software for free and also how to secure it with an nginx reverse proxy and SSL certificate from Let’s Encrypt

Read the article here: https://codebubb.com/posts/self-hosting-plausible-analytics/

This was the video where we setup a new Digital Ocean server running Docker and bought a domain and pointed it at the server: https://youtu.be/95BC1b5FVps

Get $200 free Digital Ocean credit using this link! https://www.juniordevelopercentral.com/digitalocean

00:00 Intro
00:15 What is Plausible
01:01 What you’ll need
01:22 Getting Plausible up and running
04:34 Setting up an nginx reverse proxy
10:26 Getting an SSL certificate with Let’s Encrypt
13:33 Configure nginx for secure connections
15:03 Creating an account in Plausible
15:45 Adding analytics to a site
17:16 Disabling new user registration

So I wanted to setup Plausible for a few projects i’m working on and self-hosting seems like a great option.

There are some pretty solid instructions for getting it up and running on your own server but I struggled with getting a secure connection setup with the methods they suggest/provide.

I ended up updating the docker-compose they provide with nginx and certbot so that I could setup a reverse proxy to make sure the connection to Plausible is secure.

Also this felt like a good opportunity to beef up my Docker knowledge and skills so I hope you’ll learn something too about working with Docker containers.

#plausible #docker #nginx

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