Designing Your SharePoint Database

Designing Your SharePoint Database

Designing Your SharePoint Database

We will cover designing all of our SharePoint lists as our data source for our Power Apps, which will serve as our help desk software, IT Ticket System, IT service desk, customer support software, and help people on their help desk career. This is session #02 of our “Build a Power Apps Help Service Desk (Ticket System)”. šŸš€Here is the full playlist for this course:

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Using Power Apps, we will be building a complete ticketing system from the beginning. A help desk, service desk, ticket system can be used in any organization for all kinds of purposes, even outside of an IT department. Think of any need for tasks or even projects to come in, assigned to someone, be tracked, transferred, communicated, and to oversee all of the work. We won’t be using an old Power Apps template that Microsoft provides. We’ll be building our own system. I will be helping you build one as you follow me step-by-step.

ā°Purchase this course:

If you’re interested in using the app template Microsoft provides, then you will want to watch this video here:

Let’s build this Power Apps Service Desk!
# information technology
# help desk software free
# helpdesk software

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