
Hack windows🖥️ over wan| kali linux | Cloud shell

Hack windows🖥️ over wan| kali linux | Cloud shell

In this video i’ll show how we can hack windows over wan with google cloud shell for free and fast..
This video is only for Educational purpose, plz don’t harm others privacy

Commands list:
Downlaod Ngrok: wget -N https://bin.equinox.io/c/4VmDzA7iaHb/ngrok-stable-linux-amd64.zip
2) unzip ngrok-stable-linux-amd64.zip

1) Install metasploit in cloud console: https://youtu.be/LZNmbN9-f7Y
2) Create FUD backdoor for android: https://youtu.be/D2nBaypXSwM
3) ) Admin privilege escalation windows: https://youtu.be/oExVdNw-RNk
4)Android hacking using cypher rat: https://youtu.be/8SeHuFPtP_A

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