Vagrant Setup On MacOS | Silicon chip | Free hypervisor| VMware Fusion Preview

Vagrant Setup On MacOS | Silicon chip | Free hypervisor| VMware Fusion Preview

Vagrant Setup On MacOS | Silicon chip | Free hypervisor| VMware Fusion Preview

Vagrant is an open-source software product developed by Hasicorp for building and maintaining portable virtual software development environments; e.g., for VirtualBox, KVM, Hyper-V, Docker containers, VMware, and AWS. Vagrant can quickly spin up your virtual environment and tear it down after use.

Mac is slowly moving away from the intel x86 chips and started using in-house ARM chips in newer models. But unfortunately, the virtual box doesn’t support ARM chips and it supports only x86.

To overcome this, You can use VMware Fusion preview edition as the hypervisor. Vagrant can able to communicate with fusion using plugins.

In this video,
1. Download and Install VMware Fusion Preview hypervisor
2. Download and Install Vagrant
3. Install required plugins for Vagrant
4. Identify the right Vagrant boxes for ARM & fusion environment.
5. Deploy the virtual environment and connect to the server.

Exposing the guest port to the host port using Vagrantfile.

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