
Unit Testing in C#

Learn how to create and work with unit tests in C# using the Visual Studio integrated development environment. Get professional tips on creating, debugging, and improving your tests in a practical way.
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Learn how to create and work with unit tests in C# using the Visual Studio integrated development environment. Get professional tips on creating, debugging, and improving your tests in a practical way.

The introduction uses a two iteration cycle to create unit tests that address the product code as it is being developed, giving you the basis for not only creating and improving your unit testing ability, but also pointing the way towards exercising these new concepts in BDD (Business/Behavior Driven Development) or TDD (Test Driven Development).

We do more than just talk about how to do this, we provide step-by-step labs detailing how to create your automation and how to improve it as we progress.

For this course, starter code projects are supplied, as well as finished projects you can adapt to fit your needs, or use for reference for further projects.

This course is designed this to help those who want to expand their capabilities in creating software test automation.

Whether you are a student, a manual tester, or are already a software test professional, this course can help you become more effective in your role.

What you’ll learn

Understand how to create and run unit tests for a library in C#
Learn how to apply unit tests to a test driven development process
Gain knowledge on what to test and what NOT to test
Hands-on lab – create unit tests and apply them to a project

Are there any course requirements or prerequisites?

Some programming experience. Understand the basic of creating and assigning variables and using logic comparisons
Able to use Visual Studio (Community or Code – free to install and use!).
Able to create simple methods in C# – understanding of flow control (if-else, while, for, foreach) and assignment of values to variables.

Who this course is for:

Beginning software professionals looking to increase their skillsets
Software professionals who want to learn about unit tests and Test Driven Development

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