
GIT vs GITHUB | Viva Questions | Episode 10 | 8848209759 | #EntriElevateTamil

GIT vs GITHUB | Viva Questions | Episode 10 | 8848209759 | #EntriElevateTamil

♨உங்கள் கனவு வேலையை பெறுவதற்கு தேவையான coding திறன்களை கற்றுக்கொள்ளூங்கள்…
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In This Short, we have discussed about GIT vs GITHUB

Git and GitHub are often used interchangeably, but they are actually two separate things with different functions.

Git is a version control system that allows developers to track changes in their code over time. It is a command-line tool that can be used locally on a developer’s computer, and it enables them to create different versions of their code, work on different branches, and merge changes from different contributors.

GitHub, on the other hand, is a web-based platform that provides hosting for Git repositories. It allows developers to store their Git repositories remotely and collaborate with others on their code. GitHub provides additional features such as issue tracking, pull requests, and code reviews, which make it a popular platform for open-source projects.

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