
How to Fix the XAMPP Error “MySQL Shutdown Unexpectedly” (4 Methods) #xamppserver #xamppmysql #mysql

How to Fix the XAMPP Error “MySQL Shutdown Unexpectedly” (4 Methods) #xamppserver #xamppmysql #mysql

What Is the XAMPP Error “MySQL Shutdown Unexpectedly”?
As the name of the error implies, this is the message you’ll see if the MySQL software on your environment shuts down or ceases to function unexpectedly:

We say “unexpectedly”, because you can manually shut down the MySQL database software at any point. That also happens when you restart your server.

However, when the software is shut down, your website won’t be able to connect to its database. In other words, WordPress won’t work.

As you can see in the above image, XAMPP provides you with advice on troubleshooting the “MySQL shutdown unexpectedly error” right within its events log. In the next section, we’ll go into more detail on the various ways you can use to fix this issue.

How to Fix the XAMPP Error “MySQL Shutdown Unexpectedly” (3 Methods)?
Typically, fixing the XAMPP error “MySQL shutdown unexpectedly” is quick and easy. Below, we’ll walk you through three fixes, starting with the simplest.

Follow Solutions step wise:

Solution 1:——————————————————————————-
Follow these step:-
1.Run XAMPP Using Administrator Privileges
2.Restore Your Database Backup
3.Change Your MySQL Port

Solution 2:——————————————————————————–
Follow these step:
1.Go to c:/xampp/mysql
2.copy data and paste it anywhere in pc
3.copy c:/xampp/mysql/backup files and paste it in data files after deleting data files
4.copy project database file from data files that you have store as backup in pc
5.also copy ibdata1 file into the new data folder
6.start again myql server check it working or not

follow these step:-
1.install new xamp anywhere in pc except in folder where previous xamp is install.
2.follow the above step but use this new xamp files.(solution 3)

Solution 4:———————————————————————
1.Copy all your project from C:/xampp/htdocs
2.Also copy folder from c:/xampp/mysql that is data
3.then delete xamp and install new one
4.follow all step of (solution 3)


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