Intent|Android programming |Intent malayalam

Intent|Android programming |Intent malayalam

Intent|Android programming |Intent malayalam

#intents #androidintent#androidprogramming #android #androidprogrammingmalayalam #androidfeatures #calicutuniversity #6thsemester #bca #bsc_computerscience #bsc_it #mca #ntanet #gate
Unit I [13T+3L]
Introducing the android computing platform, History of android, an- droid softwarestack,
Developing end user application using Android SDK, Android java packages,Setting up the
development environment, Installing android development tools(ADT), Fundamental components,
Android virtual devices, Running on realdevice, Structure of android application, Application life
Unit II [13T+3L]
Understanding android resources – String resources, Layout resources, Resourcereference syntax,
Defining own resource IDs – Enumerating key android resources,string arrays, plurals, Colour
resources, dimension resources, image resources,Understanding content providers – Android built in
providers, exploring databaseson emulator, architecture of content providers, structure of android
content URIs,reading data using URIs, using android cursor, working with where clause,inserting
updates and deletes, implementing content, Understanding intents basicsof intents, available intents,
exploring intent composition, Rules for ResolvingIntents to Their Components, ACTION PICK,
GET CONTENT, pending intentsUser interfaces development in android – building UI completely in code, UI usingXML, UI in
XML with code, Android’s common controls – Text controls, buttoncontrols, checkbox control,
radio button controls, image view, date and timecontrols, map view control, understanding adapters,
adapter views, list view, gridview, spinner control, gallery control, styles and themes,
Understanding layoutmanagers – linear layout manager, table layout manager, relative layout
manager,frame layout manager, grid layout manager.
Unit IV [13T+3L]
Android menus – creating menus, working with menu groups, responding tomenu items, icon menu,
sub menu, context menu, dynamic menus, loading menuthrough XML, popup menus, Fragments in
Android structure of fragment,fragment life cycle, fragment transaction and back stack, fragment
manager, saving fragment state, persistence of fragments, communications with
fragments,startActivity() and setTargetFragment(), using dialogs in android, dialogfragments,
workingwith toast, Implementing action bar – tabbed navigation action bar activity, implementing
base activity classes, tabbed action bar and tabbedlistener, debug text view layout, action bar and
menu interaction, list navigationaction bar activity, spinner adapter, list listener, list action bar,
standard navigationaction bar activity, action bar and search view, action bar and fragments.
Unit V [12T+4L]
Persisting data – Files, saving state and preferences – saving application data,creating, saving and
retrieving shared preferences, preference framework andpreference activity, preference layout in
XML, native preference controls,preference fragments, preference activity, persisting the
application state, includingstatic files as resources, Working with file system, SQLLite – SQLLite
types,database manipulation using SQLLite, SQL and database centric data model for Android,
Android database classes.
1. Satya Komatineni & Dave MacLean,Pro Android 4, Apress.
2. Retomeier, Professional Android 4 Application Development, Wrox.
3. Zigurd Mednieks, Laird Dornin, G. Blake Meike, and Masumi Nakamura, Programming
Android, O’Reilly