Mazur LDR action | Uncharted 4: A Thief's End multiplayer

Mazur LDR action | Uncharted 4: A Thief's End multiplayer

Mazur LDR action | Uncharted 4: A Thief's End multiplayer

Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End multiplayer
Road to unlocking all Hero Weapons
Micro 9mm: 717/900 downs

Playing with Mazur LDR and Micro 9mm

It’s often very difficult to snipe, but it was okay this match.
Added a clip from match played directly before this one where I was able to snipe in peace and quiet.
I’m not doing great with headshots, which is what you want to get with the Mazur LDR.

Players completing this match

– Habada90
– MRZaidan
– Apache-Djezairi
– tezcantayfun
– yellowflashboy

– Player_9120
– Liibaanaaiis93
– Norsk-m-72
– GoldenEagle_3M