Basic Practice Questions in C Language in Detail with Solution

Basic Practice Questions in C Language in Detail with Solution

Basic Practice Questions in C Language in Detail with Solution

Basic Practice Questions in C Language in Detail with Solution

1. Write a C program to check if a number is even or odd. The user should input the number and the program should output either “Even” or “Odd”.
2. Write a C program to find the largest of three numbers. The user should input the three numbers and the program should output the largest number.
3. Write a C program to calculate the area of a circle using the formula A = πr^2. The value of r should be input by the user.
4. Write a C program to calculate the area of a rectangle using the formula A = l*b. The value of l and b should be input by the user.
5. Write a C program to calculate the area of a square using the formula A = side*side. The value of side should be input by the user.
6. Write a C program to check if a character is a vowel or not. The user should input the character and the program should output either “V
7. Write a C program to check if a year is a leap year or not. The user should input the year and the program should output either “Leap year” or “Not a leap year”.
8. Write a C program to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius. The user should input the temperature in Fahrenheit and the program should output the temperature in Celsius.

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