GEC 9 Part 3- KK (Using all wireless networks around us)

GEC 9 Part 3- KK (Using all wireless networks around us)

GEC 9 Part 3- KK (Using all wireless networks around us)

Part 3 of 4 of Stanford’s Plenary Session in GEC 9

Created using OpenFlow Wireless

Speaker: KK Yap
Driver: TY Huang
Crew: Masayoshi Kobayashi & Yiannis Yiakoumis
Advisors: Nick McKeown, Guru Parulkar & Guido Appenzeller

Thanks to:
Rugters University (Ivan and James) for the WiMAX development and deployment
Clearwire for lease spectrum
Beceem for the WiMAX driver
People who has worked on OpenFlow Wireless to make this happen .