
Java Hosting with Tomcat in the Cloud at JavaPipe

Java Hosting with Tomcat in the Cloud at JavaPipe

Tomcat Hosting: https://javapipe.com/hosting/tomcat/

JavaPipe makes hosting your Java website or application online as easy as it gets. When you order JavaPipe’s Tomcat hosting, you get access to an advanced web hosting control panel called SiteWorx, which we demonstrate in this video. From SiteWorx you can start/stop your private Tomcat container, manage your MySQL databases, create additional FTP accounts, manage email addresses, forwarders, aliases, spam filters, view statistics, access webmail, add your own SSL certificates or generate free SSL certificates using Let’s Encrypt, enable CloudFlare to secure your Java website and benefit from their CDN and much much more.

The unique part about JavaPipe’s Tomcat hosting is that you get a private Tomcat instance (vanilla Tomcat) on a shared web hosting environment. This makes the hosting packages so cost efficient and at the same time provides the felxibility of a VPS. This also means that you can’t only host JSP (JavaServer Pages), Servlets JSF files and deploy WAR files, but that you can also host any type of Java framework, such as Spring MVC, Struts and Hibernate. All of this on a redundant high performance cloud platform based on CloudStack and SSD drives.

If you want to host a Java website that requires amazing performance and uptime but you don’t have a huge budget to spend, JavaPipe is the perfect choice for you. There isn’t any other Tomcat hosting provider that offers this unique setup. JavaPipe uses mod_jdk to proxy HTTP requests from port 80 to the correct Tomcat instance based on virtual hosts. This allows multiple Tomcat instances on the same cloud server, while each one can still be accessed via port 80 and 443, which are the default ports for HTTP and HTTPS.

While there are other alternatives for hosting JAVA based websites, such as TomEE, Glassfish, jBoss, OpenShift and Wildfly, JavaPipe selected Tomcat for its superior reliability and flexibility when it comes to hosting Java apps. We think that JSP hosting should be stable and flexible.

JavaPipe hosting supports Apache Tomcat 6, Tomcat 7 and Tomcat 8 and also JDK 1.6, JDK 1.7 and JDK 1.8 to support even older Java code. During the order process you can dynamically select the perm gen and heap size that your Java website requires.

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