
ASP.Net with Core MVC Framework | 30. Entity Framework Introduction | by Mohan Reddy

ASP.Net with Core MVC Framework | 30. Entity Framework Introduction | by Mohan Reddy

ASP.Net with Core MVC Framework Videos & Materials by Mohan Reddy
Full Videos Sessions: https://bit.ly/3ZzL9iM

Contact for More Info:
Email: durgasoftonline@gmail.com
Phone: 8885252627,7207212427/28

ASP.Net with MVC Framework Videos & Materials
1. Asp.net introduction
2. Asp.net core and versions
3. HTML Basics
4. HTML and CSS Basics
5. CSS Basics
6. Java script Basics
7. Javascript validations
8. jquery and bootstrap basics
9. Dotnet core setup
10.Creating Asp.net core application
11.MVC introduction
13.MVC Application setup
14. MVC controllers
15. MVC Models
16. MVC Views
17. MVC Action methods
18. MVC Razor pages
19. MVC static files
20. Razor file compilation
21. Layout in MVC
22. Display model data to view
23. Render section in MVC
24. Creating views with layout
25. View start and View Import files
26. View Data
27. Tag Helpers
28. Image and Environment Tag helper
29. Form tag helper
30. Entity Framework Introduction
31. Configure DBContext
32. Sql connection with EF core Part – 1
32. Storing Data into Database Part – 2
33. Store the data using async and await
34. Model validations
35. CRUD operations using Razor pages
36. Reading data from database
37. Asp.net core MVC Registraion form
38. CRUD Operations using EF core
39. DB first and Code first approach
40. Dependency Injection(DI)
41. WEB API introduction
42. Web API request and response
43. API testing using Swagger tool
44. Http Verbs(Get,post,put,delete)
45. DTO(Data Transfer Object)
46. WEB API model validations
47. CRUD Operations
48. WEB API CRUD with sql server Part – 1
49. WEB API CRUD with sql server Part – 2
50. WEB API CRUD with sql server Part – 3

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