
M1 Max Android Developer Benchmarks

M1 Max Android Developer Benchmarks

How does the M1 Max stack up compared to an i9 Macbook Pro? Today we are measuring heat and compile times. If you work on the JVM, program with statically typed languages like Scala, Java, SpringBoot, Mobile App development like Flutter or React Native, Kotlin, Intellij, use Docker containers, or any other long running compilations check this out and see some of the incredible results of this new hardware.

Hey! My name is Bob and I am a full stack engineer. I code everyday. I have been building mobile apps since the dawn of iOS. Feel free to ask me anything about the new M1 Max. If I don’t know it, I will try and learn it. Software engineering is a great community and I look forward to hearing from you. I am on Twitter @d3vtec.

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