
[Part 13] Android Development with Kotlin || Delete item from recyclerview

[Part 13] Android Development with Kotlin || Delete item from recyclerview

Hi Friends,
In this video, we will add one delete button to the items of recycler view. I am using the same project we created in the last video.

– https://youtu.be/lcX_1P0ozBQ

You will learn how we can delete an item from the recycler view and how we can add click handling on any recycler view item component like a delete button.

If you love this video, please like and subscribe to my channel 🙂

This project is on Github. You can download it from here : https://github.com/nkaushikd/recyclerview-kotlin

checkout this tag : tut-delete

git clone https://github.com/nkaushikd/recyclerview-kotlin.git git checkout tags/tut-delete

#android #kotlin #androidstudio #androiddev

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