#2 ChatGPT: Generate Python code with comments using Beautiful Soup & SQL command for SQLite

#2 ChatGPT: Generate Python code with comments using Beautiful Soup & SQL command for SQLite

#2 ChatGPT: Generate Python code with comments using Beautiful Soup & SQL command for SQLite

#chatgpt #chatgptexplained #cypressio , #productowner , #qualitymanagement , #jirasoftware

This videos goes with this post “Using ChatGPT on a daily work as a P.O, Developer or for Q/A or Support and checking plagiarism if needed with Python” and code.

+ POST :: https://wp.me/p3Vuhl-3dF
+ CODE :: https://bit.ly/3YI5Ubl
+ WEBSITE :: https://flaven.fr/


– OBJECTIVE :: How to use ChatGPT to replace tedious work by AI + checking plagiarism if needed with Python
– OUPUT :: Numerous example from Jira ticket for P.O, Q/A testing script in JS, WP plugin in PHP, Pyhton stuff, SQL code…
– AUDIENCE :: Anyone who want to use ChatGPT on a daily basis.

– ChatGPT :: https://chat.openai.com
– Streamlit :: https://streamlit.io/
– scikit-learn :: hhttps://scikit-learn.org/stable/index.html