
The Holy Grail of Java Performance – Inside Java Newscast #43

The Holy Grail of Java Performance – Inside Java Newscast #43

The goal of Project Leyden is to improve the startup time, time to peak performance, and footprint of Java programs. Project lead Mark Reinhold recently proposed to extend the Java programming model with features for selectively shifting and constraining computation with “condensors”. Let’s look at his white paper and roadmap.

“Selectively Shifting and Constraining Computation”: https://openjdk.org/projects/leyden/notes/02-shift-and-constrain
Project Leyden: https://openjdk.org/projects/leyden/

___ Chapters ___
0:00 Intro
0:28 Phases of Computation – Compile Time
0:59 Phases of Computation – Run Time
1:35 Phases of Computation – Artifacts & Phases
1:57 Phases of Computation – Good Times
2:33 Shifting Computation
2:54 Shifting Computation – Forward And Backward
3:39 Shifting Computation – Direct And Indirect
4:40 Shifting Computation – Generalization
5:02 Condensing Code
6:13 Dynamism and Constraints, Specifications and Performance
7:40 Roadmap
8:04 Roadmap – Specification And Tools
8:43 Roadmap – Condensers And Constraints
9:34 Outro

Tags: #OpenJDK #Java #Performance #Leyden #InsideJava

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