
Linux Command Line Tutorials 2023 – Wildcards

Do you feel Linux is quite hard to start ? This is most well explained Linux command course on Udemy. Linux commands are explained in easy and clear way.

Following commands are covered in this course

Intro terminal with : date, cal, man, history, clear
Navigation and exploration system with : pwd, cd, ls
File administration with : mkdir, cp, mv, rm, find, locate, wildcards
File content with : cat, head, tail, less, touch, nano, grep
Process with : top, ps, kill
Network with : ifconfig, ping, wget

Why learn Linux ?

Linux is essential – when ever you want to become administrator or developer or technical support
Linux is everywhere – you are most likely already using Linux on a daily basis
Linux is versatile – you can use Linux on virtually anything you develop
Linux is a community – you can work with other Linux developers to share knowledge and learnings

What you’ll learn
Become familiar with terminal and command line tool
Know how to work with file, directory
Know how to work with file content
Know how to work with process
Know how to work with network
Are there any course requirements or prerequisites?
This course start from beginner, so you do not need to have any knowledge before related to linux command.
Who this course is for:
Any one who want to start with Linux in easy way
People already has some experience with Linux but want a course for reinforce their knowledge
People want to learn Linux and become administration

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