
Crash Course Part3: Redis as Session State Cache for SpringBoot based Web Applications

Crash Course Part3: Redis as Session State Cache for SpringBoot based Web Applications

The “Crash course: Distributed Caching with Redis and Spring Boot” is done in 3 parts.
PART-1 covers Redis overview and implement Read Write caching in SpringBoot apis with RDBMs and 3rd party api as data sources.
PART2 covers security and access controls, briefly RedisJSON and RediSearch modules. A
PART3 covers “Redis as Web Session Data store” with a simple springboot web app, finally concludes with demo on eviction policies, TTL and session state clean up.

Link to slides: https://sasiperi.github.io/tutorials.html

0:00 Introduction
0:11 Session Overview
1:19 What’s session data? Why cache it?
2:29 Cloud Native Apps; High Availability; Horizontal Scaling; Zero Downtime Updates
4:27 Challenges with “Session State Caching”
5:22 Demo: Over view
6:23 Demo: Implement session state caching with Redis (springbok web app and spring-data-session-redis)
24:32 Redis Cache eviction policies; Client side TTL, Session State Cleanup.
26:20 Demo: Session State Cleanup in Spring Boot, TTL and Redis Eviction Policies.
35:30 Links and References (Walkthrough)

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