Scaling Your Sessions: Apache Tomcat Session Management with Redis in Docker

Scaling Your Sessions: Apache Tomcat Session Management with Redis in Docker

Scaling Your Sessions: Apache Tomcat Session Management with Redis in Docker

00:00 – Introduction
00:18 – Tomcat configuration
01:32 – Docker compose file configuration
06:39 – Deploy and start container docker compose
08:18 – Verifying the session replication using jsp page

In this video, we’ll be looking at how to scale our Apache Tomcat sessions using Redis in Docker. We’ll be covering topics like designing our architecture, setting up our Redis server, and deploying our application to a Docker container.

If you’re looking to manage your Apache Tomcat sessions using Redis, then this video is for you! By following along, you’ll learn how to design a scalable architecture, set up your Redis server, and deploy your application to a Docker container.
#tomcat #redis #docker


To download redis jar and tomcat session management jars please click on the below URL’s

redisson.conf file content

Docker compose file

context.xml file content

webapps with files for testing session replication

Apache Tomcat Session Redis
Apache Tomcat Session Management
Apache Tomcat Scaling Docker
Apache Tomcat Redis Docker
Apache Tomcat Redis Configuration
Apache tomcat Redis Installation Docker
Apache Tomcat Redis Docker Compose
Apache Tomcat Redis Session Replication
Apache Tomcat Redis Docker Volume
Redis Apache Tomcat Session Store
Apache Tomcat Redis Docker Networking
Apache Tomcat Redis Session Example
Apache Tomcat Cluster Session Redis