Observability from Development to Production with Platform.sh Observability

Observability from Development to Production with Platform.sh Observability

Observability from Development to Production with Platform.sh Observability

With Platform.sh and Blackfire.io monitor, profile and test your application even before it is released in production. Get actionable insights to improve your code rather than spend time figuring out what’s wrong. Ensure optimal performance and user experience for your web applications.

Fully-fledged Application Performance Monitoring
Figures on how your application performs in production. Monitor server-side response time and memory usage. Drill-down and find bottlenecks in transactions and service calls (SQL, HTTP, queues,…).

Let Blackfire automatically profile key transactions and obtain unrivalled visibility in your code’s behavior. Get alerted when something goes wrong.

In depth profiling of your application code
Blackfire’s unique profiling technology collect function-call-level metrics that let developers understand exactly how their code behaves. Through time-sequence and behavioral visualizations, analyse how code consumes time, memory and network. Find slow SQL queries and HTTP requests.

Collect such metrics from your live production site, then reproduce measurements on local machines. Iterate and compare iterations to validate code changes.

Check out more at: https://platform.sh/features/observability-suite/