
Android Development Tutorials in Urdu | Hindi | How to Connect Android App to MYSQL | API | 22

Android Development Tutorials in Urdu | Hindi | How to Connect Android App to MYSQL | API | 22

Android App Development for Beginners | Android Development Tutorials in Urdu | Hindi You can learn from basic to advance level by this android app development series. Watch complete Android App Development Tutorials for Beginners and become a professional Android Developer.

Connect Android App to MySQL.
This lecture contains the connection of database to MYSQL. Starting of the lecture Describing about the APIs, how to communicate with MYSQL over the internet with local server XAMPP.
Volley library is used in android for the communication with API. JsonObjectRequest is used for the communication with API. JsonObjectRequest class is Volley predefined class which get the response in JSON format.
JSON (Javascript object notation) have two formats:
1- Json Object
2- Json Array
In this lecture response of API get in Json Object format which handled by JsonObjectRequest class.
API (application programming interface) are build in PHP. File created in the XAMPP htdocs folder from this the API can be access over local server using the ip for emulator.
dbconnection.php (API) files created for connection to the database MYSQL


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