
Should Your Domain Name Contain Keywords to Boost SEO Rankings?

Should Your Domain Name Contain Keywords to Boost SEO Rankings?

If you want to rank higher in Google, having keywords within your domain name makes it easier.

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Just look at Hotels.com. They have the term “hotel” in their domain name and they rank really well.

But just because someone ranks well for a term it doesn’t mean they will be the leader in the space. For example, booking.com is larger than hotels.com and they don’t have a keyword in their domain name.

Now, you can still rank if you don’t have a keyword within your domain name. You can always add keywords within your URL structure, which is one of the reasons I rank for terms like “online marketing” even though my domain name is NeilPatel.com.

When picking a domain name try to keep it short and of course if you can fit in a keyword, great. If not, no worries. More importantly, your domain name should be memorable which will make it easier to brand.

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