$PATH | diff | wget | Linux Workshop for Neuroimaging & Bioinformatics | part 5

$PATH | diff | wget | Linux Workshop for Neuroimaging & Bioinformatics | part 5

$PATH | diff | wget | Linux Workshop for Neuroimaging & Bioinformatics | part 5

This is the fifth part of the Linux intermediate workshop for neuroimaging beginners.

In this video, we study basic commands like diff and wget. You can use diff to find difference between two text files and wget to download files from web into your linux server. We also go through what $PATH variable is for in linux shell. Please try running these commands for yourself rather than just watching the video.

You can create the example used in this video, using the code uploaded here

Let me know your thoughts!
twitter @kevin_kcho

Part 1: Useful basic commands (https://youtu.be/L4SpK6kCrYg)
Part 2: Pipe | (https://youtu.be/iK9gCmB3m0E)
Part 3: Variable vs String (https://youtu.be/uA5V5tGrCoI)
Part 4: For loop (https://youtu.be/GChzC7mP9tg)
Part 5: $PATH (https://youtu.be/DRiCxgtCuIs)
Part 6: Test your linux skills (https://youtu.be/TbS9ou55fIw) – https://github.com/kcho/linux_tutorial/blob/master/tasks/linux_task_1.md
Part 7: Meta-characters (https://youtu.be/Pbo4KR97Uu4)
Part 8: Writing Bash script 1 (https://youtu.be/HH8nEePo4Zs)
Part 9: Writing Bash script 2 & VIM intro (https://youtu.be/QzEjHwJCPZo)