
Unigine Valley 4K Ultra 8xAA Benchmark on RTX 4090 and i7 13700K

Unigine Valley 4K Ultra 8xAA Benchmark on RTX 4090 and i7 13700K

Merry Christmas friends, This is a video of Unigine Valley DX11 Ultra 8xAA benchmark ran on Asus RTX 4090 Strix OC and i7 13700K, Benchamark was recorded using Nvidia Shadowplay Instant Replay and edited using Shotcut

The video was transcoded into av1 format before uploading to youtube using the following command in terminal

ffmpeg -i “.Unigine Valley 4K Ultra 8xAA Benchmark on RTX 4090 i7 and i7 13700K-cqp18-hevc-qsv.mp4” -filter:v fps=60 -acodec:a copy -movflags +faststart -vcodec:v av1_nvenc -b:v 72M -g:v 60 -bf:v 2 -preset:v p5 -tune:v hq -rc:v vbr -multipass:v 1 -rc-lookahead:v 32 -b_ref_mode:v 2 -aud:v 1 “.Unigine Valley 4K Ultra 8xAA Benchmark on RTX 4090 i7 and i7 13700K-av1.mkv”

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