
aelf Web3.0 hackathon – Legend X Workshop 1

aelf Web3.0 hackathon – Legend X Workshop 1

Our hackathon encourages developers to build on aelf blockchain and enrich the ecosystem. This workshop guides interested hackers through everything they need to know before getting started with their own deployment onto aelf. Our tech team explicitly illustrates developer-centric stuff including aelf ecological tools, SDK to be used, and interaction between DApps and browser extensions or wallets.

0:45 aelf ecological tools
5:20 aelf SDK
26:50 Interaction between DApps and blockchain explorer
29:45 Interaction between DApps and wallet

Website: https://aelf.com/
Learning Materials: https://hackathon.aelf.com/
Github Repo: https://github.com/orgs/AElfProject/repositories

Follow aelf on our social channels below and subscribe to our YouTube above!
Twitter: https://twitter.com/aelfblockchain
TG (community): https://t.me/aelfblockchain
TG (developer): https://t.me/aelfdeveloper
GitHub: https://github.com/AElfProject

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