How to create a Animated Splash Screen in android studio(Java) | Android App Development 2023

How to create a Animated Splash Screen in android studio(Java) | Android App Development 2023

How to create a Animated Splash Screen in android studio(Java) | Android App Development 2023

Animated Splash Screen in Android Studio (Java ) | Android App Development Tutorial

About Splash Screen in Android:
The Splash Screen in Android holds a special place in an app’s user interface, as it is the very first screen that greets users when they launch the app. It serves as the initial point of contact between the user and the app, making it a vital component of the user experience. With the recent launch of Android 12, the platform now offers a standard launch animation for all apps, complete with a splash screen that features the app icon before transitioning into the main content. This experience adds a touch of elegance to every app launch, while still allowing for customization to maintain each app’s unique branding. To implement this feature, the Splash Screen API platform and Splash Screen compat library can be used, which provide defined themes and animations for the splash screen while the app is starting up. Once the app is ready, the splash screen gracefully fades away, making way for the app’s content to be displayed. As always, it’s important to be mindful of the user experience when implementing the splash screen, ensuring that it doesn’t unnecessarily prolong the app launch time and that it enhances the user experience.

How the splash screen works:
When a user launches an app while the app’s process is not running (a cold start) or the Activity has not been created (a warm start), the following events occur. (The splash screen is never shown during a hot start.)
1) The system shows the splash screen using themes and any animations that you’ve defined.
2) When the app is ready, the splash screen is dismissed and the app is displayed.

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