
How to Get Site URL Protocol in PHP || PHP Problem – Part 01

How to Get Site URL Protocol in PHP || PHP Problem – Part 01

How to Get Site URL Protocol in PHP || PHP Problem – Part 01

To get the site URL protocol in PHP, you can use the $_SERVER superglobal array, which contains information about the server and the current request. The protocol information can be obtained from the HTTPS or HTTP server variables depending on whether the request is secure or not.

Here’s an example PHP code to get the site URL protocol:

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$protocol = isset($_SERVER[‘HTTPS’]) && $_SERVER[‘HTTPS’] === ‘on’ ? “https” : “http”;
echo $protocol;
This code checks if the HTTPS server variable is set and its value is “on”. If it is, it means the request is secure, so the protocol is “https”. Otherwise, the protocol is “http”.

You can also use the SERVER_PROTOCOL server variable to get the protocol version, such as “HTTP/1.1” or “HTTP/2”.

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$protocol_version = $_SERVER[‘SERVER_PROTOCOL’];
echo $protocol_version;
Note that the value of $_SERVER[‘HTTPS’] may not always be reliable. Some servers may set this variable even if the connection is not secure. In that case, you can also check the HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO header or other relevant headers, depending on your server configuration.

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