
How to easily bash into a running docker container 2 minute tips ep05

How to easily bash into a running docker container 2 minute tips ep05

This 2 minute tips is a video showing how you can easily bash into a running docker container.
This is acheived you using a script by ljm42 which allows us to run “docker-shell”
then have a list of containers running and then select the one into which we want to docker exec into. A very useful script
Please, if you can, support the channel and donate https://goo.gl/dw6MLW

Direct download of script and folder. https://www.dropbox.com/s/wes0zggpeyk1sgb/custom.zip?dl=0

add this to your go file . cp /boot/custom/docker-shell /usr/local/bin

A big thanks to
ljm42 for his script. https://gist.github.com/ljm42
Limethechology for unRAID

music credits

ou gopro. https://www.dl-sounds.com/royalty-free/you-gopro/

main video
Backpacker https://www.dl-sounds.com/royalty-free/backpacker/

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