How To: Get Onedrive Access Token For Freenas | Freenas Cloud Credentials Tutorial

How To: Get Onedrive Access Token For Freenas | Freenas Cloud Credentials Tutorial

How To: Get Onedrive Access Token For Freenas | Freenas Cloud Credentials Tutorial

This is a tutorial video which shows the steps to get the onedrive access token and drive id which is needed to add onedrive as a cloud service in Freenas cloud credentials. This will help us to sync/backup files between onedrive and freenas server. Also you can use the access tokento authenticate other apps or services too. It is a very simple video, hope it will help a bit.I am using Windows 10 as my OS, it should be almost same on other OS too.

Here are some links, commands and tools which are used in this video –

*-* Rclone Program download link for windows (64bit) –

*-*Commands (Step by Step) – (Will update it soon)

*-*The Notepad instructions used in the video –

If you have any questions or if i failed to make the process easier please feel free to let me know in the comment section below.


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