
How I Used Recon Techniques to Identify a Prolific Scammer | IWCON-W22 Talk by Luke Stephens

How I Used Recon Techniques to Identify a Prolific Scammer | IWCON-W22 Talk by Luke Stephens

Luke Stephens is the founder of Haksec.

We invited him as our speaker for IWCON2.0 – The largest virtual Infosec conference cum networking event of 2022.

He shared his experience of how I used recon techniques to identify a prolific scammer.

If you haven’t attended the talk or want to rewatch it, here we present you the entire recording of his session.

Enjoy it and share with your Infosec buddies 🙂

Follow the speaker on Twitter: https://twitter.com/hakluke

For any queries, send us an email at contact@infosecwriteups.com or a DM on Twitter at @InfosecComm.

#recon #recontechniques #scammer #prolificscammer #IWCON #Infosec #Infosecconference #IWCON-W22 #lukestephens

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