
How to Setup CI with GitHub Actions for a Julia Package

How to Setup CI with GitHub Actions for a Julia Package

In this video, I’ll show you how to setup GitHub actions for a Julia package to automatically run unit tests and deploy documentation. It is related to my article: https://jaantollander.com/post/how-to-create-software-packages-with-julia-language/

– 0:00 Introduction
– 1:07 Overview of GitHub workflows
– 1:36 Runtest.yml configuration
– 2:31 Documenter.yml configuration
– 3:43 Setting up deploy keys for Documenter
– 5:48 Configuring deploydocs function
– 6:35 Pushing changes to GitHub
– 7:15 Overview of GitHub actions
– 7:31 Runtest action and output
– 8:13 Documenter action and output
– 9:33 Runtest status badge
– 10:39 Outro

You can find more about me and my projects on my website: https://jaantollander.com/

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