
10 Years Old Laptop Running XUbuntu 22.04, Linux Mint 21(XFCE), Ubuntu MATE 22.04

XUbuntu 22.04, Linux Mint 21 (XFCE), and Ubuntu MATE 22.04 performance on my old laptop bought in 2012.

Computer Specs:
CPU: i3-380M 2.53 GHz, 2core/4thread.
RAM: 2 GB and 4 GB (2+2) tested.
Disk: Hard Disk Drive (HDD) 320 GB.
GPU: integrated graphics card.


Linux Mint 21 (XFCE) do the best in both 2GB and 4 GB RAM tests.
Ubuntu MATE 22.04 do the worst when running with 2 GB RAM.
All the 3 were running smooth with 4 GB RAM, excepting loading heavy apps.


2 GB RAM only OK for light use, e.g., local audio/video playback, file operation, basic office and editing work.
Browsing websites via built-in Firefox works, but with quite slow app launching, and freeze system for quite a few seconds after closing it.

4 GB RAM is OK for daily use on all the 3 Linux Distributions, except the speed of loading large content into memory (such as launching Firefox).

If possible, adding a solid-state drive (SSD) should make the old laptop running just like modern computers with the 3 Linux Distros.

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