Walt Mankowski – "Perl One-Liners"

Walt Mankowski – "Perl One-Liners"

Walt Mankowski - "Perl One-Liners"

One-liners aren’t just for gurus and obfuscated Perl contests. Anyone can learn a few simple command-line switches and become more productive. If you’re new to Perl, you’ll be amazed at how much you can accomplish in under 80 characters. Even if you already write the occasional one-liner in Perl, chances are you’re not taking advantage of all the tricks and shortcuts you could be. You too can become a command-line ninja!

Walt works as a postdoc at Drexel University, where we use high-end computer gaming hardware, combined with techniques from information theory, machine learning, and computer vision, to assist biologists in processing and visualizing terabytes of 2D and 3D microscope images. In his spare time he helps organize the Philadelphia Perl Mongers and the Philadelphia Linux Users Group.