VB.NET Graphics for Beginners: Drawing Lines using chatGpt

VB.NET Graphics for Beginners: Drawing Lines using chatGpt

VB.NET Graphics for Beginners: Drawing Lines  using chatGpt

The program uses the VB.NET programming language and the Graphics class to draw a line on the screen. The Graphics class is a built-in class in VB.NET that provides methods for drawing shapes, lines, and text. In this program, the Form1_Paint method is called when the form is painted, and this method uses the Graphics class to draw a line. The line is drawn using a Pen object, which is a tool that specifies the color, width, and other properties of the line. The DrawLine method of the Graphics class is used to draw the line, and it takes four arguments: the Pen object, and the x and y coordinates of the starting point and ending point of the line. In this example, a black line is drawn from the point (10, 10) to the point (100, 100) on the form. The resulting line can be seen when the program is run.
#line s
#programming g
#Software Development
#visualstudio Studio
#.NET Framework